
Live Well and Be Happy

Good Read (16)

Each one of us in Singapore is responsible for 1,395kg of solid waste last year according to NEA. Have you ever thought what it would be like to have a waste-free life? Jessica Cheam of Eco-Business tells us about her quest to achieve this in her Project Zero Waste experimental living. With more than 80 percent of us living in apartments, any trash simply disappears down the rubbish chute – all too convenient! Our first priority should be to Reduce consumption; then Reuse wherever possible, and Recycle when items cannot be reused. The all too familiar 3Rs do not work the same when it comes to achieving zero waste. Read more...
We all know the fragility of life, yet most of us live each day in a way that is quite inconsistent with this knowledge. Professor David Chan expounds on finding meaning in life which is not the same as the meaning of life. He helps us understand why having a personal sense of life’s meaning leads to longevity, happiness and even a better society. He goes on to introduce the 5 Cs to find meaning in life for individuals – Complementarity; Congruence; Commitment; Contribution; and, Community. Read more...
How would you react when you are woken up at 5am in the morning by the loud call of the koel, a bird, outside your bedroom window? Living in urban Singapore, we often forget that there is a natural world around us. The writer reminds us that there is more to life on this planet than urban comfort and utilitarian convenience. Stopping to listen to the thrumming cicada chorus, or the call of the koel, or watching the family of otters in Bishan Park, perhaps could help us reconsider our relationship with the natural world and what we are doing to it. Read more...
As we grow older, learning new things or skills is no more about achievement but simply because we find joy in doing them. To Gary Hayden, time spent learning something new is always time well spent no matter how old you are. In mastering a new skill at an older age, though we are unlikely to be highly proficient at it, we are however cultivating our inner being. Ultimately, take joy in learning something new. Read more...
In this article, Gary Hayden reflects on whether we really know how to love. He is convinced that the most important thing in life is to love and be loved. Probably most of us are not giving and receiving love the right way. The quality of the love that we give stems from a deep understanding of the real needs of that person we love. Gary introduces us to a book called ‘How To Love’ written by Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, teacher and writer, who says “Understanding is love’s other name. If you don’t understand, you can’t love.”. Read more...
Ever wonder how the right diet choice can result in a healthy planet with reduced carbon footprint and environmental damage? Eco-diets, as they are called, not only improve personal health but are now a feature in the Paris Agreement on climate change and a subject of several high profile research studies including that of the World Resources Institute (WRI). According to researchers, eco-conscious eating habits are not another diet fad. However, many concepts or forms of eco-diets have since emerged – Climatarianism, Reducetarianism, Flexitarianism, VB6, Entomophagy. Find out what they are in the article. Read more...
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